Visa requirements to travel in Vietnam

All visitors to Vietnam from countries not listed on a visa-waiver list will need a visa to enter Vietnam. Currently, the countries on this list include: Brunei and Myanmar are exempted for 14 days; Citizens of United Kingdom, Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Russia, Belarus, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Japan and South Korea are exempted from a visa for a 15-day stay in Vietnam; citizens of Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, and Kyrgyzstan are offered visa-free stay of 30 days, The Philippines are offered free vist for 21 days while tourists from Chile and Panama enjoy a 90-day visa waiver.

A tourist visa is normally valid for one month and you can choose one of the three options below:

Option 1: E Visa

If you hold the passport of one of 46 countries in this list, you are now able to obtain the Vietnam Evisa:

1. ARG Argentina 24. KAZ Kazakhstan
2. ARM Armenia 25. KOR Korea (South)
3. AUS Australia 26. LUX Luxembourg
4. AZE Azerbaijan 27. MNG Mongolia
5. BLR Belarus 28. MMR Myanmar
6. BRN Bruney 29. NLD Netherland
7. BGR Bulgaria 30. NZL New Zealand
8. CAN Canada 31. NOR Norway
9. CHL Chile 32. PAN Panama
10. CHN China 33. PER Peru
11. COL Colombia 34. PHL Philippines
12. CUB Cuba 35. POL Poland
13. CZE Czech Republic 36. ROU Romania
14. DNK Denmark 37. RUS Russia
15. FIN Finland 38. SVK Slovakia
16. FRA France 39. ESP Spain
17. D Germany 40. SWE Sweden
18. GRC Greece 41. TLS Timor Leste
19. HUN Hungary 42. ARE United Arab Emirates
20. IND India 43. GBR United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
21. IRL Ireland 44. USA United States of America
22. ITA Italy 45. URY Uruguay
23. JPN Japan 46. VEN Venezuela

Please visit E Visa Application page to apply for a Vietnam tourist visa online. Click HERE

All you need to do is to complete your exact passport information in the online application form and pay visa fee with your credit card. After 3 to 5 days you will receive your Visa through email, print it out and bring it along when you travel to Vietnam. Vietnam E-visa is valid for maximum of 30-day travel, single entry. Please email us a copy of your e-visa so as we can help to double check again your information to avoid any trouble later.

Option 2: Visa on arrvival

What is commonly called a ‘visa-on-arrival’ for Vietnam does, in fact, require prior approval. Citizens of most countries, though not all, can obtain an approval letter from the Vietnam Immigration Office (handled by Sky Asia Travel for our clients) and can arrive carrying that letter, along with 02 passport photos, USD 25 for a standard tourist visa for 30 days, and a valid passport. You will need to fill out a standard visa application form (available at the airport) and can receive your visa there.

Option 3: visa in advance or Embassy Visa

We send you a form requesting basic information (full name, passport details and so on). You fill in one for each person and send them to me. I will then apply for the visas at the Immigration Office in Hanoi. About five working days later, I’ll receive the approval paper and will fax it to the Vietnamese Embassy in your country. I’ll then notify you to send your passports to the Embassy by post with a cheque to pay the visa stamp. Alternatively, you can pick up your visas in person. Please ring the Embassy for their opening hours, cost of visa stamps and for other arrangements.

Option 4: Do it yourself

This option is only available to people living in a country with a Vietnamese Embassy. If you prefer to obtain a visa by yourself, feel free to do so. Please contact the Embassy for application information, their opening hours, cost of visa stamps and for other arrangements.


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